Creating and launching podcasts is a straightforward process that requires only a microphone and an internet connection. However, the low barrier of entry means that it can be challenging to get a new podcast noticed. While it may seem easy to put out a podcast, creating a compelling and engaging podcast that attracts listeners can be difficult.
The TopRank Marketing team has experience working on podcasts with brands such as SAP and 3M, and they have learned valuable lessons about B2B podcasting. A podcast is a series of recordings organized in an RSS feed, listed in public directories, and available for listeners on demand. Podcasts come in various formats, such as live interviews, panel discussions, scripted audio plays, or monologues.
Podcasts are popular among B2B decision-makers, with 51% listening daily and 24% listening 2-5 times a week. They listen to podcasts to learn new things and consider podcasts as their primary source of information. Podcasting offers benefits for B2B brands, including high listener engagement, low startup costs, access to new audiences, and the ability to achieve full-funnel outcomes.
To create a successful B2B podcast, it is essential to plan the content carefully, conduct research, find a unique angle, and choose relevant topics. Production planning involves selecting a format, recording, and post-production editing. Hosting and promoting the podcast require a hosting platform, a steady cadence of episodes, and promotion on established channels.
Measuring the success of a podcast involves tracking metrics such as the number of subscribers and listens per app. Additionally, repurposing podcast content for use in other formats can help extend its reach and impact. By following these steps and strategies, B2B brands can create and launch a successful podcast that resonates with listeners and achieves marketing goals.
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