Hey there, globe-trotting scholar! Hats off to you for securing a spot at an international university. According to recent statistics, a whopping 2,68,923 Indian students traveled abroad for higher education in 2022-2023. While the idea of studying overseas is exciting, figuring out what to pack can be a challenge.
In this blog, we will help you create a pre-departure shopping list filled with essential items for your journey abroad. From adapters to comfort foods, we’ve got you covered. Let’s explore the must-have things to carry while traveling abroad from India!
Must-Haves International Student Packing List
These items are absolute essentials and should be packed in your carry-on bag. 1. Passport and Visa: Your passport is your ticket to studying abroad, and most countries require a visa in advance. Make sure to have photocopies of these documents and keep them separate from the originals. 2. Essential Documents: Pack important documents like your student visa, birth certificate, and proof of enrollment in your carry-on bag. 3. Basic First Aid Kit & Medications: Be prepared for emergencies by packing a basic first aid kit with bandages, medications, and medical supplies. 4. Local Currency: Carry some local currency or traveler’s checks for emergencies or situations where card payments are unavailable. 5. Essential Toiletries: Keep essential toiletries like shampoo, toothpaste, and deodorant in your carry-on bag for easy access. Consider eco-friendly options for sustainable travel. 6. Power Adapters & Converters: Pack the right adapters for your devices to avoid damaging them due to different voltage requirements in different countries. 7. Basic School Supplies: Confirm with your study abroad counselor about any specific school supplies required for your classes.
What Not to Bring When Studying Abroad
Here are some items you can leave behind to streamline your packing process: 1. Excessive snacks: Embrace local cuisine and skip packing a ton of snacks. 2. Heavy liquids: Opt for travel-sized toiletry bottles or purchase liquids at your destination. 3. Books: Consider an e-reader or utilize the university library instead of packing heavy books. 4. Excessive electronics: Stick to essential gadgets to avoid attracting thieves. 5. Bedding: Save space in your luggage by purchasing bedding when you arrive. 6. Valuables and luxury items: Keep valuables to a minimum to reduce the risk of loss or theft.
Happy travels and best of luck with your studies abroad!
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