We are pleased to announce Hatchify – a tool that helps developers build React, NodeJS, and Sequelize apps swiftly. Hatchify provides the speed of a low-code development while enabling complete customization in the patterns familiar to React and Node developers. If you are starting a new project, checkout our Getting Started Guide or read on for more details below:
What is Hatchify and what does it do?
Hatchify is a collection of JavaScript libraries for the frontend and backend that takes a data schema and builds commonly needed functionality (like services and grids) while allowing customization later. To use Hatchify, define your app’s data schemas as follows:
const Schemas = { Todo: { attributes: { name: string({ required: true }), dueDate: dateonly(), ... }, relationships: { user: belongsTo("User"), }, }, User: { attributes: { name: string({ required: true }), }, relationships: { todos: hasMany("Todo"), }, } }
With a schema Hatchify creates:
Sequelize ORM classes
provides Sequelize classes you can use to query and manipulate the database directly:
const hatchedKoa = hatchifyKoa(schemas); const Todo = hatchedKoa.orm.models.Todo; await Todo.getList({where: {name: "Learn Hatchify"}})
Flexible REST services
provides a flexible and expressive REST API, letting you filter, paginate, sort, specify specific fields, and even include data across tables!
Frontend model layer
creates React data models and hooks, with full TypeScript support. The React data model can take advantage of filtering, relationships, and pagination – everything the service layer provides. The hooks also update automatically when there are changes (stale-while-revalidate for the win).
Frontend Components: DataGrid
includes a data grid that supports filtering, pagination, and sorting. The Hatchify team’s next major step is adding components to create and edit data. You can play with this application yourself in the StackBlitz below:
What problem is Hatchify solving?
Hatchify is trying to fill a gap between low-code solutions and CRUD generators. Click here for a detailed breakdown of this chart.
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