If I could go back in time to help my younger self learn Python, I’d tell them to build more Python projects! That’s exactly why I wrote this article: to share 30 Python projects to help programmers like you. Whether you’re looking to start a career in Python development or enhance your portfolio, these Python projects are perfect for leveling up your Python skills. I’ve personally designed each of these Python projects, including a range of step-by-step tutorials so you can follow along with me to get hands-on and code some cool stuff. You can think of these tutorial projects as taking a free Python course while growing your Python portfolio! I’m also regularly adding new Python projects with step-by-step tutorials, so make sure you bookmark this page and check back for the latest Python projects to grow your skills. Without further ado, let’s dive in and start building with Python! Plus, if you’re looking for some extra help, I’ve also released my own course, Python with Dr. Johns, where I take an academic approach to teaching while also building portfolio-worthy Python projects. Best Python Projects for Beginners in 2024
1. Python Hangman Game with GUI
What is this Python project? In this Python project, you’ll build a Hangman game, an engaging and fun game that challenges users to guess words letter by letter. I’ve also designed this project to be a step-by-step tutorial so you can follow along with me to build something very cool and fun! This project also goes beyond merely creating a functional application; it serves as an excellent example of utilizing Python’s simplicity and the Tkinter library to create interactive and visually appealing desktop applications. It’s also a perfect addition to your portfolio, particularly if you’re looking to demonstrate your proficiency in Python development, as it showcases fundamental programming concepts in a context that’s interactive while also showing your understanding of user interface design and event-driven programming. So get ready and fire up your favorite Python IDE, and let’s get building!
Python Skills Covered:
Game Logic: Craft the core logic for processing guesses, managing game states, and determining win or loss conditions, offering a deep dive into conditional statements and data structures.
Dynamic UI Updates: Utilize Tkinter to dynamically update the game interface, reflecting the progress of the game and user interactions in real-time, thus enriching the user experience.
Event Handling: Employ event listeners to capture user inputs such as letter guesses and actions to restart or exit the game, showcasing how to interact with GUI elements in Python.
User Interface Design: Use Tkinter to design a clean, intuitive interface for the Hangman game, demonstrating skills in creating visually appealing and user-friendly desktop applications.
Tkinter and Python Basics: Harness the power of Python and its standard GUI toolkit, Tkinter, to implement and manage the game’s interface.
Best Practices in Python: Write clean, efficient, and well-documented Python code, adhering to best practices for code structure, readability, and maintainability.
Build This Python Project Here
2. Mad Libs Generator
This is one of the most fun beginner Python projects, not to mention it lets you practice how to use strings, variables, and concatenation, which are essential skills for all Python applications at all skill levels. The Mad Libs Generator gathers and manipulates user input data as an adjective, a pronoun, and a verb. The program takes this data and arranges it to build a story.
Source Code:
Mad Libs Generator
# Questions for the user to answer
noun = input(‘Choose a noun: ‘)
p_noun = input(‘Choose a plural noun: ‘)
noun2 = input(‘Choose a noun: ‘)
place = input(‘Name a place: ‘)
adjective = input(‘Choose an adjective (Describing word): ‘)
noun3 = input(‘Choose a noun: ‘)
# Print a story from the user input
print(‘Be kind to your’, noun, ‘- footed’, p_noun)
print(‘For a duck may be somebody\’s’, noun2, ‘,’)
print(‘Be kind to your’, p_noun, ‘in’, place)
print(‘Where the weather is always’, adjective, ‘. \n’)
print(‘You may think that is this the’, noun3, ‘,’)
print(‘Well it is.’)
3. Number Guessing
This beginner Python project is a fun game that generates a random number (in a certain range) that the user must guess after receiving hints. For each wrong guess the user makes, they receive extra hints but at the cost of worsening their final score. This program is a great way to experiment with the Python standard library, as it uses the Python random module to generate random numbers. You can also get some hands-on practice with conditional statements, print formatting, user-defined functions, and various Python operators.
Source Code:
Number Guessing Game
import random
def show_score(attempts_list):
if not attempts_list:
print(‘There is currently no best score,’ ‘ it\’s yours for the taking!’)
print(f’The current best score is’ f’ {min(attempts_list)} attempts’)
def start_game():
attempts = 0
rand_num = random.randint(1, 10)
attempts_list = []
print(‘Hello traveler! Welcome to the game of guesses!’)
player_name = input(‘What is your name? ‘)
wanna_play = input( f’Hi, {player_name}, would you like to play ‘ f’the guessing game? (Enter Yes/No): ‘)
if wanna_play.lower() != ‘yes’:
print(‘That\’s cool, Thanks!’)
while wanna_play.lower() == ‘yes’:
guess = int(input(‘Pick a number between 1 and 10: ‘))
if guess < 1 or guess > 10:
raise ValueError( ‘Please guess a number within the given range’)
attempts += 1
if guess == rand_num:
print(‘Nice! You got it!’)
print(f’It took you {attempts} attempts’)
wanna_play = input( ‘Would you like to play again? (Enter Yes/No): ‘)
if wanna_play.lower() != ‘yes’:
print(‘That\’s cool, have a good one!’)
attempts = 0
rand_num = random.randint(1, 10)
if guess > rand_num:
print(‘It\’s lower’)
elif guess < rand_num:
print('It\'s higher')
except ValueError as err:
print('Oh no!, that is not a valid value. Try again...')
if __name__ == '__main__':
4. Rock Paper Scissors
This Rock Paper Scissors program simulates the universally popular game with functions and conditional statements. So, what better way to get these critical concepts under your belt? You'll also be using the Python list to store a collection of valid responses, which you can then use to create an elegant and Pythonic conditional statement. As one of many Python coding projects that imports additional libraries, this program uses the standard library’s random, os, and re modules. Take a look at the code below, and you’ll see that this Python project idea asks the user to make the first move by passing in a character to represent rock, paper, or scissors. After evaluating the input string, the conditional logic checks for a winner.
Source Code:
Rock Paper Scissors
import random
import os
import re
def check_play_status():
valid_responses = ['yes', 'no']
while True:
response = input('Do you wish to play again? (Yes or No): ')
if response.lower() not in valid_responses:
raise ValueError('Yes or No only')
if response.lower() == 'yes':
return True
os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
print('Thanks for playing!')
except ValueError as err:
def play_rps():
play = True
while play:
os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
print('Rock, Paper, Scissors - Shoot!')
user_choice = input('Choose your weapon' ' [R]ock], [P]aper, or [S]cissors: ')
if not re.match("[SsRrPp]", user_choice):
print('Please choose a letter:')
print('[R]ock, [P]aper, or [S]cissors')
print(f'You chose: {user_choice}')
choices = ['R', 'P', 'S']
opp_choice = random.choice(choices)
print(f'I chose: {opp_choice}')
if opp_choice == user_choice.upper():
play = check_play_status()
elif opp_choice == 'R' and user_choice.upper() == 'S':
print('Rock beats scissors, I win!')
play = check_play_status()
elif opp_choice == 'S' and user_choice.upper() == 'P':
print('Scissors beats paper! I win!')
play = check_play_status()
elif opp_choice == 'P' and user_choice.upper() == 'R':
print('Paper beats rock, I win!')
play = check_play_status()
print('You win!\n')
play = check_play_status()
if __name__ == '__main__':
5. Dice Roll Generator
As one of the most relatable Python projects for beginners with code, this program simulates rolling one or two dice. It’s also a great way to solidify your understanding of user-defined functions, loops, and conditional statements. These are fundamental skills for Python beginners and are likely to be some of the first things you’d learn, whether that’s from an online course or a Python book. As one of our easy Python projects, it’s a fairly simple program that uses the Python random module to replicate the random nature of rolling dice. You’ll also notice that we use the os module...
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